
At the beginning of posting topics directly focused on data access speed, why? maybe because I saw many who were not able to optimize the performance of the OS that they use to access the data. For now Telebih outbreak site - a social event sites such as Friendster, Facebook, Twitter, flicker and much more. identical young people today do not apply, proven site - the social site spread to various groups, whether age, rank, and other groups. The fact right now ban Facebook from the Haram for MUI then followed government regulations to block social site Facebook for all the civil servants. In other words, this social site virus really strong influence in Indonesia and a menu of "mandatory" for some people. Ironic indeed, mushroomed to supply all providers-providers in Indonesia for easy data access to these social networking sites. Promotion, that's what I see today. So great, the virus is more frightening than "virus - a virus" others.
Back at the beginning of the topic, I also just want to make. In this introduction I feel quite up to here, next to me would show a more varied topics and a light to read. hopefully its useful approximately I apologize if there are words - words in my writing is not acceptable. thanx.

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